Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pavlov vs. Watson

Ivan Pavlov, once a sociology and physiology major, is one of the most well know psychologist because of his work on what we know now as classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is when an unconditioned stimulus is paired with a neutral stimulus enough times that the neutral stimulus starts to cause an unconditioned response, which is what a an unconditioned stimulus usually does. For example, Ivan's most known experiment was when he conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. He did this by ringing a bell before he gave the dogs food. Soon the dogs salivated at the sound of the bell alone.

Johnson Watson was know for his classical conditioning experiment too. However, his most famous experiment was not with dogs, it was with a baby. He had a "thing" for emotions, believing he could change behaviors based on how people felt about things. John Watson believed that he could mold children by combining stimuli. His famous baby Albert experiment combined stimulus like furry things that initially had no serious effect 0n the baby and paired them with things that caused the baby to cry like a loud gong. This caused the baby to cry every time he say something furry because he associated it with the sound of the gong.

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