Monday, October 5, 2009

Scatter plot correlations.

For the most part, it seems that the bigger the shoe size, the taller the person is. This is infact a correlation. The correlation is strong and positive, because there are only a few exceptions. Although the correlation is strong and positive, it does not mean that one causes the other.

If there is a correlation in this graph, it would be a very weak one. Nothing is consistent. We have tall stusents with long hair and tall students with short hair. There are also short students with long and short hair as well. The data points in this graph, however, do not seem extreme or unsual at all because hair length, unlike shoe sizes is something that we can easily control.

How do I Feel About Blogging?

Hmmmm......... Well, actually, I think this academic blogging thing is AWESOME!
I didn't even know how to make a blog until like five minutes ago, literally. Anyway, I really do feel like this will be a good experience for me and my fellow classmates. I'm actually proofreading right now because I know that anyone can read this if they actually cared to.

I could be a little pessimistic and say that this whole "blogging" thing sucks but, what would be the point of that? I have to do it. Unless I didn't care about..... IDK graduating? lol. So I have decided to be totally optomistic about this new experience and actually make myself like the idea more than I probably would have, and to be honest, I really dont think it's that bad of an idea anyway. Atleast I can give my dad a good reason to keep paying the cable and internet bill because the facebook is getting a littlle old, ( to him of course).

Doing homework assignments like this is pretty cool, beats carrying books. I wonder why you want our opinion on this blog thing. If everyone said they hated this idea, would you stop us from having to do it? Okay now, back to the lecture at hand, I feel that blogging is a really good way for us to stay up to date on our assignments and keep school a little more interesting.